How Can you Start a Writing Career Online?

If you have tons of ample time at home after you come back from a busy day at school or from your ordinary 9-5 job, you can put this free time into good – trust me! Read this full article before pursuing your article writing career, and I can assure you that you will be on the road to becoming an expert at writing.

 A lot of people doubt the possibility of being able to make money online yet would still love to create a source of income other than the low-paid salary they earn at Starbucks or Tescos.

 Well, I’m here to help! As a teenager, I’ve managed to earn over 1500 dollars per month consistently doing something that I love – something that does not even require much effort and thinking! Now you might be wondering, what is this something? Are you just one of the people that mislead people for views?

 A lot of people have asked me what I have done to make money online, and although it may seem unbelievable and to a certain degree ‘too good to be true,’ I make around $50 or more per thousand words just by writing articles and blogs!

 There have been so many life-changing stories of people who used to work at Starbucks for 8 dollars/pounds an hour, and now, some of those same people are earning up to 200 dollars for an hour. Some of these same people make over $1000 in a single day – an amount they may have never even seen before laying in their bank accounts.

 Now don’t get me wrong, writing isn’t the only way for people to make money online. There are several skills (when I say several, I mean loads) that people can learn to make a good amount of money.

 In this article, I will give you all the information you’ll need in regards to how you can start making money online, how you can write an article, how much bloggers can earn as well as everything in between! BTW, if you have made it this far into the article (which I’m guessing very few people did), you are probably determined and ready to commit yourself to something that may be a life changer; therefore, hats off to you!

How do You Write an Article?

Quite frankly, a huge misconception people have related to article writing is that it involves technical knowledge and a tonne of skill. If you are someone that thinks along these lines, you are completely wrong, though don’t worry coz that’s exactly what I used to think when I was at your stage.

 In short, articles can be written about anything, yes, literally ANYTHING! What I’m writing now is very similar to what an article would look like; just a tonne of words well-structured and formatted on a page. Articles don’t require much skill apart from good grammar– which is something we are all taught in primary school–  a conversational and engaging style of writing, and some basic research skills. Yes, that’s all, nothing more and nothing less!

Research on Your Given Topic

Personally, my first article was on Electric cars, and although I had very minimal knowledge of the subject at the time, after a few minutes of research, I knew exactly what to write. Of course, when a client tells you to write on a subject, you don’t have to know the whole topic cover to cover but just have to learn the concept of what your client wants you to write on.

For instance, one of my first clients on Upwork told me to write the basic terms and phrases of an electric car. In order to gain enough knowledge for me to write on the topic, all I had to do was open a few websites that contained similar information and spend a few minutes on each website. I let the information sink into my brain, started writing on the topic, and that’s all she wrote!

Having said that, if you do research via other websites, make sure you do not copy anything from them, as you can face huge issues in doing so! If you write an article that is plagiarised (copied from other sources online), the article can be taken down from your prospective client’s website. That said, it is important to keep in mind that if your client finds out that you have copied work from other websites (which can be identified via Online tools such as Copyscape), he will most likely end the contract and leave you with a terrible review.

What I have personally found pretty useful when it comes to research on a given topic, using “.org” websites and research via Google scholar, has worked out quite well for me. Although there is no problem in researching from other people’s websites, it is important to keep in mind that the sole purpose of your article is to rank it above every other article on the same topic.

Therefore, including extra information – information that other blogs don’t have – is a great way of leading your blog in a high direction.

Write Error-free Content – Common Error types and How to Avoid Them

Grammatical Errors

Writing articles with errors is a common reason for the rejection of work from clients. There are several types of errors that a writer can have, each of which is easily avoidable.

Firstly, a writer can have grammatical errors, which – to be really, really honest – is something that is quite common. For those that are struggling with grammar, my tip to them would be to go learn grammar first; the last thing you want is your client leaving a disastrous review due to errors related to grammar.

Now, just a quick hint for those reading this (a hint you’ll rarely find) is that Grammarly is one of the best life hacks for you if writing with good grammar is not your cup of tea – not just Grammarly but the Premium paid version. This online tool has helped me a lot and has ensured that all my writing is free of grammatical errors; without it, I’m sure most of my articles would have been rejected right off the bat! In fact, this Blog that you’re reading will go through a Grammarly check first before I upload it!

Factual Errors

Including false information in your writing can be a disaster. Hence it is always recommended to only include information that you are 100% sure of!

Suppose you have come across a statement that cows can give up to 40 litres of milk per day. Check this piece of information via multiple websites for confirmation.


Having plagiarised content is one of the last things a client wants. What you should be aiming for is your article to be at least 93% original (i.e. only a maximum of 7% plagiarism should be in your writing).

 If your writing contains more than the recommended 7%, your client may be a little disappointed; therefore, try your best to write that which is original and exclusive!

Write in an Engaging Way

Engaging your reader is a must! The pet hate for readers is articles and blogs that are boring; hence try writing with a more conversational approach. Include a few jokes in there, just like I have in this blog!

Having said that, if your article focuses on something very important (for instance, the latest news), keep your tone as formal as possible – unless your client tells you otherwise.

Basically, bottom line is to do what your client tells you. If your client has specified what format he would like the article to be, do what your instinct tells you!

Follow the Guidelines

Making sure all the requirements of your clients are met is essential. Not following the format your client wants you to write in won’t result well. Aside from just the format, the client may specify a few keywords which they would like you to incorporate within the text. Making sure these words are put in is important otherwise, don’t expect your client to be please with the output!

Proofread Your Article Before Submission

Before submitting your final article to your respective client, go over it a couple of times. From personal experience, I’ve noticed that I always manage to find tons of mistakes in my article even after I have incorporated the suggestions that Grammarly gives me.

Even despite having a good few years of experience writing, I still find a considerable number of errors in my writing and you are bound to as well – especially if you’re a beginner.

Therefore, always make sure you go over your work even if it seems “Perfect”; just give it a go, and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about!

What is an Article Writing with an Example?

Quite simply, articles are just ordinary writings that are made with the purpose of getting valuable information across to people from all around the world. Of course, making money from these articles is undeniably the most common reason why people publish articles, but that’s a whole different story.

Little secret: this blog that I’m writing is also made with a purpose to teach you guys, but more importantly, to make me some passive income! Just kidding! 😀

Here are a few examples of articles and blogs that I have written:

 (A bed Article)

(Drain Emergency in the Northwest)

(Charity Event Venues in Brighton)

Here’s my Blog:

How Much do Bloggers Make?

Arguably one of the most common asked questions in relation to Blogging and article writing is how much bloggers make. The simple one-line answer to this is that it depends.

If your website manages to acquire 100,000 + views per month, you can earn up to $20,000, whilst if you have a website that attracts just a couple of thousand visitors, you can make as less as only $5.

Therefore, there is no exact amount bloggers make, but the revenue of bloggers varies depending on the number of views their website obtains.

Can Anyone Write an Article?

Hooray! Finally, I get to answer the question that I was most looking forward to answering (don’t ask me why I have such an urge to motivate and encourage people)!

In short, Yes! Anyone who knows how to write English at a basic standard (good enough for people to understand) can write articles. Although people with a better level of English – in terms of fluency – will have more of a chance of having their blogs read, I have seen tons of writers (that are non-natives) that make tens of thousands of dollars every month from writing.

Therefore, carry on your journey, keep on going, and never stop! You’ll learn a huge deal about your craft whilst you are practising it. Fun fact, when I first started writing, I barely ever liked the sound of what I wrote – it was literally soo boring and had a tonne of space for improvement in terms of detail and coherence. In fact, when I sometimes go back and read some of my pieces, I literally burst out laughing!

Hence, it is fair to say that there is no better way to learn than practising and if you have made it this far into the writing, you are someone that is determined and will reach the stars one day – I promise!